Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball team for winning the Red Bud Tournament!
8 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Our Trailblazers that visited 2nd grade today. What a fun group!
9 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
If you are interested in subbing for Millstadt School please see below for directions on how to obtain a sub license. SHORT-TERM SUBSTITUTE LICENSE Below you will find steps on how to create an ELIS account, how to apply for your Short Term Substitute License, as well as the requirements needed. Any documents that you need uploaded to your ELIS account you can send to this email: Steps on How To Create your ELIS: Click Here Steps on How To Short-Term License: Click Here SHORT-TERM SUBSTITUTE LICENSE Public Act 103-0111 effective immediately, extends the availability of the short-term substitute teacher license through June 30, 2028. Educators who currently hold short-term substitute teaching licenses with an expiration date of June 30, 2023, can renew the license for a five-year period by logging into their Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) accounts on or after July 1, 2023, and clicking on the “Renewals” link in their Action Center. Requirements: Must hold an Associate’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or show completion of 60 semester hours of coursework **Notes Valid for substitute teaching in all grades of public schools, Pre-K through Grade 12. Available for application through June 30, 2028 Short-Term Substitute license are valid for 5 years Cannot teach more than 5 consecutive days per licensed teacher in the same school year, unless the state has declared a disaster proclamation; in which the short-term substitute may serve 15 consecutive days per licensed teacher in the same school. Must complete a training program provided by the school board. Can serve as a Paraprofessional Coursework must be at the 100-level or high from a regionally accredited college or university Full Substitute License Listed below are the requirements you will need for your license; as well as links to create your ELIS account, and how to apply for your license. Any documents you need uploaded to your ELIS account can be sent to this email: Steps to create your ELIS: Click Here Steps to Apply for Substitute License: Click Here If you would like to be placed on the Master Sublist: Click Here to complete the Master Sublist packet for St. Clair County. Make an appointment for a Fingerprint Background Check ($55 fee), you will pay this when you create the appointment online. There will be a $5 fee to keep your name on the Master Sublist; You will fill out the packet, then bring it with you on the day of your appointment. SUBSTITUTE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: You must meet one of the following OPTION 1: Must hold a Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited institution Submit a substitute teaching application into ELIS OPTION 2: Actively enrolled in an approved educator preparation program through an accredited institution in Illinois Within the last semester you must have completed 90 semester hours of coursework as a part of the approved Illinois educator preparation program Transfer coursework may be used towards the 90 semester hours if accepted by the Illinois educator preparation program Have a Professional Educator License (PEL) in a pre-completion status, or on your ELIS account (ELIS) Submit a Substitute teaching application in ELIS Notes Valid for substitute teaching in all grades of public schools, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Substitute Licenses are valid for 5 years; may be renewed with the payment of registration fees. Cannot teach more than 90 consecutive days per licensed teacher in the same school year. A Substitute Teacher who holds a Professional Educator License cannot teach more than 120 consecutive days per licensed teacher in the same school year. View Substitute and Paraprofessional License checklist: Click Here How to become a Substitute Teacher: Click Here Q: IF I HOLD A VALID PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR LICENSE, EDUCATOR LICENSE WITH STIPULATIONS OR PARAPROFESSIONAL LICENSE, AM I QUALIFIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER? A: IF YOU HOLD A VALID PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR LICENSE, EDUCATOR LICENSE WITH STIPULATIONS OR PARAPROFESSIONAL LICENSE AND HOLD A BACHELOR'S DEGREE, YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER. YOU DO NOT NEED TO HOLD A SUBSTITUTE TEACHING LICENSE. Q: CAN I OBTAIN A SUBSTITUTE LICENSE IF MY PEL IS LAPSED? A: YES.
9 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
We are short a nurse today. Luckily we have some helpers from PreK ready to fill in!
10 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
“Rainbows for Regan t-shirts are coming home today with students. We will wear them for Regan this Monday, February 10, on Regan’s next treatment day. Thank you for all of your support!”
11 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Last chance to get your Sweetheart Dance tickets for this Saturday! 🎟️ Purchase tickets here -
11 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Kids Heart Challenge Assembly!
12 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Millstadt Primary Center will be having our Kids Heart Challenge Kick off assembly tomorrow at 9am. Be on the lookout for students bringing information home this week! This is for students in Kindergarten, First and Second grades and runs through February 28th!
13 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Can’t wait to see our little sweethearts (PreK-4th) and their special grown-ups dancing the night away next Saturday! 💕✨ Find all the details here:
 ❤️ Sweetheart Dance – Grab your tickets by scanning the QR code or heading straight to this link: 
🎟️ Purchase Tickets – ✨ Thank You!
16 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
The PTA Sweetheart Dance is February 8th from 5-7 in the MCS gym.
17 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to both the 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams for their wins over Whiteside tonight. Both teams won in two sets!
19 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
The annual PTA Dinner auction is Saturday, March 1st and the PTA desperately needs your help! There are 4 ways you can help: 1. Coordinate a pick up: Contact Lauren Switzer (618-558-0899) or email to donate an item, basket, event or experience. Easy! 2. Venmo: Venmo Lauren Switzer (@LaurenSwitzer1) to make a donation to create an auction basket. Easy! 3. Amazon: Visit this Amazon wishlist to directly purchase an item to be included in the auction - it will ship directly to the PTA. 4. Drop if off: Drop off items, tickets, & baskets to the PTA on Sunday, 2/2 @ Ott's 2 PM - 5 PM Please note: We will not be doing class baskets this year! This is the only request for donations.
19 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the Optimist Student of the Month, Will Schaffer!
20 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the January character winners!
20 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the 8th grade boys for winning the championship game in the conference tournament! They beat Waterloo 26-24!
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Reminder that tomorrow is Doughnut Day. Donuts cost $1.00.
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: We have some menu changes for this week.
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Friday, January 10th, will be an E-Learning day due to the forecast of inclement weather.
about 1 month ago, Sandi Pegg
No school on Wednesday, January 8th, due to inclement weather conditions.
about 1 month ago, Sandi Pegg
Congratulations to all of the prize winners at the Panther Pride Assembly!
about 2 months ago, Millstadt CCSD